
Season 1, Episode 18: Flexing Through Chapters of Your Life

Today on Baring it All, I'm talking to Janet Kraus, Co-Founder and CEO of Peach. Janet reminds us that our professional life should bring us joy.
In this breathtaking episode, Janet explains that there is more than one way to become successful. When you have the entrepreneurial spirit, it may not be necessary to go to college and get a job. Growing up, Janet didn't have access to other ways of thinking. Instead, Janet focused on finding ways to express her strengths; however, she was being offered jobs that were never catering to her passions. As entrepreneurs, you make deliberate choices and decisions – everything is risky. In fact, having a "regular" job can be riskier. All in all, it’s critical to follow your passions whether that be entrepreneurship or finding a corporate gig. Stay tuned as we talk about reinventing ourselves after fifty, and Janet gives the scoop on her entrepreneurial journey. 

In This Episode:
  • [01:45] About Janet Kraus  
  • [21:10] We are taught to check a bunch of boxes; however, there’s more than one way to become successful  
  • [28:15] At fifty, women are more comfortable – don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself   
  • [33:20] All about Janet’s entrepreneurial journey 
  • Whatever you’re going to do in your professional life should bring you joy. 
  • Recognize that your negative thoughts are there. However, make sure that you prove them wrong.  
  • Our generation is focused on getting a long-term job and retiring with the same company. Realize that there is more than one path to success.  
  • Your business is successful when your people are successful.  

Meet Janet Kraus
Janet has successfully built and sold two companies and was most recently on the faculty at the Harvard Business School where she taught entrepreneurship. She is an active, national public speaker on a variety of topics related to entrepreneurship and sits on the boards of three start-up companies.