
Season 2, Episode 8 - Building A Thriving Business With Paragon Honda Partner, Brian Benstock

Be relentless in pursuit!!

Brian Benstock is a partner in the Paragon Honda and Paragon Acura dealerships, the largest and most productive Honda dealerships in North America. 

Brian Benstock joins us today to discuss best business practices. Brian believes that being authentic, chasing dreams, and respecting customers are the best way to be successful in a thriving business. Brian and Barbara also talk about the exciting future of private aviation. 

Tune in today to learn how to pursue your passions and create a prosperous business and financial future.

In This Episode:
  • [1:25] Brian introduces himself and discusses his background.
  • [5:15] Brian discusses the private aviation future. 
  • [15:50] Brian talks about the responsibility of having employees and helping them be successful. 
  • [17:25] You can never pre-judge people and risk of dismissing someone.
  • [31:18] Brian talks about how he got started with investments and what future investments look like. 
  • [35:20] What is Brian's vision of how the industry is going? 
  • [37:05] How to use experiences to project you forward.

  • There is a decision, not a condition. If you have an interest in things, go for it!
  • Everybody is a buyer. Get curious about why people are there. Remove the judgment because judging can make you lose the sale. Pay attention to everybody.

  • Celebrating others brings appreciation and abundance to your life. Instead of looking negatively at others and what they have, celebrate them, and more will come your way. See their things as possibilities for yourself; if you put in the work, you can have it too.